
The Sports Club basically aims at physical education and promoting physical fitness. Additionally, it looks into developing the motor skills of the child along with their social and emotional competence. The Club aims at achieving physical, mental, social and emotional development of its members in coherence. Thus, most importantly the club inculcates in its members, a true spirit of sportsmanship, helping them face the challenges in life and preparing them for various sports competitions.

The Sports Club basically aims at physical education and promoting physical fitness. Additionally, it looks into developing the motor skills of the child along with their social and emotional competence. The Club aims at achieving physical, mental, social and emotional development of its members in coherence. Thus, most importantly the club inculcates in its members, a true spirit of sportsmanship, helping them face the challenges in life and preparing them for various sports competitions.

Mathemagician Club encourages the students to foster a positive attitude towards mathematics and stimulates mathematical curiosity. It promotes cross-curricular thinking and holistic development of pupils. It takes mathematics beyond the classroom and makes it an integral part of our daily life, thus inspiring a process of applicable and constructive thinking.

Scouting and Guiding contributes to the education of the young through a value system based on the Scout Promise and Law. It helps build a better world where people are self-fulfilled as individuals. It also aims at developing the inherent potential of the young by providing them with a number of structured activities in order to make them physically, mentally, socially, spiritually and emotionally strong and useful citizens of the Nation. Scouting and Guiding moulds the students to be people who are others-centered and always ready to reach out to anyone in need.

Scouting and Guiding contributes to the education of the young through a value system based on the Scout Promise and Law. It helps build a better world where people are self-fulfilled as individuals. It also aims at developing the inherent potential of the young by providing them with a number of structured activities in order to make them physically, mentally, socially, spiritually and emotionally strong and useful citizens of the Nation. Scouting and Guiding moulds the students to be people who are others-centered and always ready to reach out to anyone in need.

Democracy is based upon the conviction that there are extraordinary possibilities in ordinary people. The Electoral Club envisages to explore such extraordinary possibilities in the students and aims to promote awareness about fundamental rights and duties, electoral processes and functioning of democracy. The various activities will enable students towards critical thinking and foster leadership qualities, thereby grooming the students to be enlightened citizens and future leaders.

Creative Club aims at empowering students to express their unique qualities and artistic skills, thus transforming their creative imagination into reality. The club brings all the talented minds together by providing a plethora of talents ranging from singing to dancing, acting to drawing and much more. The Creative Club is a powerful medium to illuminate discovered talents among the students.

Creative Club aims at empowering students to express their unique qualities and artistic skills, thus transforming their creative imagination into reality. The club brings all the talented minds together by providing a plethora of talents ranging from singing to dancing, acting to drawing and much more. The Creative Club is a powerful medium to illuminate discovered talents among the students.

The Eco – Science Club aims at educating the students about their environment. It also aims at creating a clean and green consciousness among students through various innovative methods. The members involve themselves in preserving the environment. The Club acts as a motivation to the students on how to imbibe habits and lifestyle for minimum waste generation.

The Language Club aims to inculcate love for various languages among students, develop their communication skills and to think spontaneously. It focuses on achieving functional proficiency in language skills such as listening, speaking, reading, and writing. These skills will be acquired by means of guiding the students in speech writing, scriptwriting for short skits and plays, poetry composition and essay writing to express their thoughts and feelings. The Language club will provide exposure and experience to the students, helping them gain stage courage through various activities.

The Language Club aims to inculcate love for various languages among students, develop their communication skills and to think spontaneously. It focuses on achieving functional proficiency in language skills such as listening, speaking, reading, and writing. These skills will be acquired by means of guiding the students in speech writing, scriptwriting for short skits and plays, poetry composition and essay writing to express their thoughts and feelings. The Language club will provide exposure and experience to the students, helping them gain stage courage through various activities.

Media Club provides a forum for students to voice their opinions and gives them the exposure to discover the richness of media and its broadcasting segments. It also assists in promoting and advertising various events and achievements of the school and students. The Media Club instills self-confidence and stage courage in its pupils thus building up leadership qualities and opening up a whole new world of digital knowledge.